Defending Constitutional Freedom

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Defending Constitutional Freedom
- Ted led the fight for religious exemptions to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
- Ted has authored and joined numerous amicus briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court that defend religious liberty for all—whether it be a Christian wedding, cake artist, a football coach, or even a preschool.
- Ted successfully required the Defense Department Inspector General to investigate whether the military was protecting the religious liberty rights of service members and chaplains.
- Ted led efforts to ensure Navy SEALs could obey their consciences and refuse the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate.
- Ted fought to protect faith-based foster care providers from discrimination based on their deeply held religious beliefs.
- Ted condemned the Communist Party of China’s persecution of religious minorities.
- Ted successfully pressured the City of Houston to withdraw its subpoenas requiring pastors to submit sermons for review.
- Ted secured passage of his resolution condemning all forms of antisemitism and recognizing it as a unique form of hate.
- Ted is currently leading a massive investigation of Big Tech for their biased censorship policies.
- Ted co-introduced the Recreational Lands Defense Act to restore Second Amendment rights on federal lands.
- Ted co-sponsored the Protecting Communities and Preserving the Second Amendment Act of 2024 to prioritize public safety.